( Sangoma Contact Center has been rebranded as Sangoma CX )
The Sangoma CX Digital Channels Monitor provides detailed information that assists Supervisor and Managers monitoring the WebChat, WhatsApp, and Telegram conversations taking place in the Contact Center.
To access the Digital Channels Monitor
From the Contact Center menu, select Digital Channels Monitor. The monitor will display all the WebChat, WhatsApp and Telegram active conversations waiting in an inbox or being assigned to an Agent. Interactions handled by chatbots only appear when the interaction is queued in an inbox triggered by the Handoff intent.
Digital Channels Monitor Sections
This monitor has 4 distinct sections
Section |
Description |
1 |
This monitor does not refresh automatically, requiring manual intervention from the user to visualize the most up to date information. This can be easily achieved by clicking the “REFRESH” button. This section also includes a notification area highlighted in yellow, indicating the last time the data was refreshed, reminding users to click the “REFRESH” button to fetch the most recent data. |
2 |
This section includes a filter that allows the user to select the desired inboxes to be monitored. This filter affects the Conversation Counter section and Conversation Detail section providing only the conversations that match that filter criteria. The default value is empty and therefore includes the conversations from all inboxes created in the tenant. |
3 |
This section provides counters based on the conversations matching the filtered criteria. The three counters available are::
4 |
This section provides the details of all conversations matching the filtered criteria. The information provided per conversation is: