TeamHub is Sangoma’s cutting-edge team collaboration software platform designed to unify and streamline modern business workflows. When evaluating online team collaboration tools, TeamHub is a one-stop-shop for all your communication needs and available on both our Business Voice and Business Voice+ solutions.
Appointment Scheduler User Guide
The Appointment Suited documentation has been moved to our new knowledge base, please click the link below to access our Appointment Suite documentation.
Appointment App. Configuration Guide
The Appointment Suited documentation has been moved to our new knowledge base, please click the link below to access our Appointment Suite documentation.
Appointment Confirmation App Configuration Guide
Each Confirmation will be linked to an active configuration from the Sangoma Appointment Scheduler. Each time an appointment is scheduled, a confirmation messages will be forwarded according to the specific settings.
How to fix the error on Mac "Cannot Be Opened Because the Developer Cannot be Verified'
By default, the macOS allows users to install only approved apps from developers registered with Apple that have verified their apps for use on Macs.
Sangoma TeamHub User Guide
Sangoma's TeamHub User Guides have been moved to our new Knowledge Base
Sangoma Teamhub & Sangoma CX Integration Requirements
Teamhub supports access to the Sangoma CX application. In order for this feature to be enabled for a TeamHub user the following Requirements must be met.
SMS Campaign Registration (10DLC) App User Guide
This article has been moved to our new Sangoma Knowledge Base
Business Voice Portal Password Criteria
Sangoma uses single sign on (SSO) for most of our applications. This means you only have to remember 1 set of logon credentials for most of our applications.