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Sangoma CX Platform Maintenance Notifications (Formerly Sangoma Contact Center)

Edited: 03/19/2023
Access: Everyone
Supports: Business Voice, Business Voice+

( Sangoma Contact Center has been rebranded as Sangoma CX )

We are happy to announce important improvements in how Sangoma will communicate scheduled interventions in the Sangoma CX platform. The objective behind this change is to keep partners and platform users proactively informed on any maintenance planned on the platform, including any maintenance that could impact the usability during the maintenance intervention.


The following notification process will be followed for any intervention scheduled after January 12th, 2023.




All communications will be done on Mondays in the week the intervention is taking place. Interventions take place the following days and hours based on duration and potential impact.

  1. Fridays 5:00 am EST: short interventions (<= 60 minutes) minimum or no impact
  1. Fridays 2:00 am EST: long interventions (> 60 minutes) minimum or no impact
  1. Sundays from 2:00 am - 6:00 am EST: long interventions with higher impact


Sangoma CX Cluster or ACD Class.


Although the Sangoma CX platform is multitenant, it is also segmented into multiple Clusters. Each cluster is fully redundant, and a client setup is assigned to one cluster.


Sangoma follows a conservative implementation approach that ensures maximum platform stability, so changes such as version upgrades or architecture updates are only done in one cluster at a time and keeping one week between cluster updates.


In order to ensure Partners and Clients knows which cluster is used in a Location, the Sangoma Business Voice portal includes this information tagged as ACD Class in the following screens.

  1. If using the Classic UI, this information is available under the Location Configuration Menu



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  1. If using the new Aurora UI, this information is available under the Location Status Screen.


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The intervention notification will also reference ACD Class to identify if the scheduled maintenance will occur in the Sangoma CX platform used by a partner or client.


Publishing and Communicating Proactively Notifications


In order to proactively communicate when interventions will take place, partners and clients can register on the following sites:

  1. Existing Knowledge Base portal
  1. New Intervention, Service Health, and Incidence platform


Sangoma is transitioning to We strongly encourage all partners and clients to “subscribe to updates.” Please note if subscribed to will send important notifications of all Sangoma Services.


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Keeping Users Informed


Sangoma is committed to proactively informing platform users about any intervention to ensure that clients can implement contingency plans. This communication is done through the built-in product notification feature available in the Sangoma CX Administration and Supervision interface already used from July 25, 2022 till August 8, 2022 to inform about the new Sangoma CX Product Information page available in the Knowledge Base and launched on July 25, 2022.


When a notification is published, a red circle with a number will be displayed next to the Bell icon. The number will indicate the number of product notifications published. Clicking the Bell icon will display a short description of the notification and a link to the intervention notification published at or


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Only client tenants affected by scheduled maintenance will be informed using the product notification feature. The notification will automatically disappear once the intervention is finished.

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