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Sangoma CX Definition of Terms (Formerly Sangoma Contact Center)

Edited: 03/19/2023
Access: Everyone
Supports: Business Voice, Business Voice+

( Sangoma Contact Center has been rebranded as Sangoma CX )

The following deciphers and demystifies the language used with contact center applications.



Abandoned Call

A call arrives at the contact center but ends before any communication takes place. This can happen when a caller disconnects before the call is answered, either intentionally or due to a dropped call. Contact center has an option in the queue set up, an abandoned threshold. This is designed to set a minimum period of time before the system will count the call as a real call and track the call in the system metrics. Calls that arrive and drop before that Queue threshold value are known as “Dropouts”

Abandoned Threshold

A value set for each queue so that calls of very short duration that abandon (caller hangs up), are not counted within reporting. Calls that fall into this category are known as Drop-outs.


(Automatic Call Distributor)

This is a specialized phone system that handles incoming calls, also called inbound calls. The Automatic Call Distributor recognizes and answers the calls and checks the caller ID against a database so that the call can be routed to the most appropriate agent available. An important role of ACD is to produce management information that tracks both calls and agent performance.

Action Keys

This feature provides the option for a queuing customer to select an “Action Key” during the queuing process. The “Action Key” is a key selection or 0 - 9 that jumps to another option – for example, switching to another queue, a message, a voicemail, a dial external number etc.


(After Call Work)

This is a call center feature that allows agents and reps to display their circumstance by picking from a pre-created menu e.g. Pause Codes or automatically assigned Wrap-up. In this state the agent will not be presented with any new calls. Typically a Supervisor or Manager would have visibility via monitoring screens when an agent is in this state.


This is an individual at a call center who is appointed for answering customer calls. Another name for a call center agent is customer service representative.

Agent Quality Management / QA

Quality Management software enables organizations to review and capture customer interactions and coach their team upon areas to improve. Modern Quality Management solutions focus on the agent experience and engagement to ensure they are a focal point of the quality management process.

Agent Status

This refers to the particular point in time which describes the call center agent’s work status, i.e. busy, wrap, idle, available, unavailable, etc.


(Average Handling Time)

This is the interval measured from the time an agent begins the interaction with the customer, including the hold time, talk time and related tasks that follow the entire transaction.


These can vary based upon the contact center and the nature of the customer business. However typical announcements are:

  1. Pre-Queue (audio a customer hears prior to entering a queue),
  1. Position (audio that informs the customer about their current position in queue),
  1. Wait (approximate wait time for answer),
  1. Pre Answer (audio that the customers hears just prior to being answered by an agent),
  1. Periodic On-Hold (a custom audio that plays to the customer during the queue process possibly advertising or informational),
  1. Whisper (audio the agent hears just after they answer a customer call, typically announcing the name of the queue. This is beneficial when agents are handling calls from multiple queues.


(Application Programming Interface)

In computer programming, an application programming interface (API) is a set of subroutine definitions, protocols, and tools for building application software. In general terms, it is a set of clearly defined methods of communication between various software components. A good API makes it easier to develop a computer program by providing all the building blocks, which are then put together by the programmer.


(Average Speed of Answer)

This is a contact center key performance indicator (KPI) typically referenced by managers when assessing their team’s efficiency, performance and degree of accessibility to their callers. It is one of the most popular KPIs. To calculate ASA, a contact center divides the total amount of waiting time by the number of calls they received in a set period. For instance, if there was a total of 50 minutes of waiting time for 10 calls, then the ASA is five minutes (50/10 = 5).


(Average Talk Time)

This measures the time an agent spends while speaking to a customer. It does not include the time a customer spends on hold nor the time an agent does any other work after the call.

Call Center Manager

This is a person who is responsible for budget execution, operation, business performance and overall direction of the contact center solution

Call Handling Analysis

This is an approach to measure the ability and quality of call handling by Agents.


A nominated individual in a contact center who provides additional support and technical knowledge to agents. Often referred to as a SME, or Subject Matter Expert.


(Customer Experience Management)

Procedures adopted by a company to track the interactions between a customer and the contact center agents

Call Back

This feature provides the caller with the option to disconnect the call to the contact center but still maintain their place in the queue. The “virtual” call stays in the queue. When it reaches a live agent, the agent places a call back to the original customer.


(Calling Line Identity)

A technology used in conjunction with CTI (Computer Telephony Integration) to match a customer’s number and their previous call records.

Call Recording

Technology that enables contact centers to capture and record all customer and agent telephony interactions. The caller has to be informed before the call is being recorded.

(note: Some States require two-party consent)

Call Routing

A process designed to ensure that each call is routed to the right agent with proper skills, and has prior knowledge regarding the customer’s issue. Call routing often includes identifying high-value callers and routing them to a shorter queue, or to the most proficient agents

Concurrent User License

A software license that is based on the number of simultaneous users accessing the program. It typically deals with software running on the contact center where users connect via the network. For example, in a twenty user concurrent use license, after twenty users are logged in, the twenty first user is prohibited.

Contact Center Schedule Adherence

This is a metric used to determine whether or not agents are working the amount of time they have been asked or required to.


(Computer Telephony Integration)

This provides the ability to automatically combine voice and data at the agent desktop. It is also known as screen pop - when a customer details appear automatically on an agent’s screen at the same time a call is answered. This type of technology can help contact center agents be more productive.


(Customer Relationship Management)

This is a system which helps in identifying the customers’ needs, improving customer interactions, customizing contacts, sales approaches, and automation to provide optimum service to each type of customer.


(Customer Satisfaction Survey)

CSAT is a broad term that describes many different types of customer service survey questions. The goal of any CSAT score is to measure a customer’s satisfaction level with your company’s product, service or interaction. See also NPS and Post call Surveys.


Calls that arrive and drop before a Queue abandoned threshold value are known as “Dropouts” (see Abandoned Call)


(Dialed Number Identification Service)

Allows companies to identify what number was called to reach a specific queue. This is useful in determining how to answer an inbound call.


(Expected Wait Time)

In a contact center, EWT is the expected time that customers are told to wait before they can speak to an agent. It is one of the best practices to measure average expected time.

Exception Monitoring - SMART Alerts

This features provides the contact center manager with an option to set threshold parameters that the contact center would normally operate within. However if any one of those parameters are exceeded i.e. an exception occurs then the system will alert via email / sms / mms. Typical parameters are “Agent Pause Time”, “Agent Talk Time”, “Calls Waiting in Queue”, ``Available Agents”, “Longest Waiting Time in Queue”, “Calls in Progress”, “Logged Agents”.

Failover / Fallback

An additional call routing step. For example, route differently if no agents are logged into the queue or no agents are available.


(First Call Resolution)

It is a way to identify the customer’s issue, the first time they contact a call center agent. It is a metric that monitors the quality of service that customers are receiving, by counting the number of times their issues got resolved on the first point of contact. Providing an ideal caller experience will ensure the customer keeps coming back to engage with your business.


(Interactive Voice Response)

In its basic form (Auto Attendant) customers press the buttons on their telephone keypad to select which service they want. Thereafter, the IVR routes the call to the most appropriate agent. An IVR (Interactive Voice Response) is a more advanced version of an auto attendant. The “voice response” actually has nothing to do with voice recognition software-some have it others don’t. It actually has to do with the input and the response. An IVR is good for handling automated tasks that involve numbers and simple yes/no answers. For example, if you call your credit card company, you can pay by phone by entering the numbers in your checking account. Or you might follow up a tech support call with a survey, on a scale of 1-5, of how well your call went. Another common use case is a Pharmacy where patients call in for prescription refills. The patient is identified by a pin number, and the system can play back medication options. The patient can then select what’s required from a series of prompts from a backend data system.


(Music/Message on Hold)

Audio played during the queueing process. Typically royalty free music files or company custom messaging


(Net Promoter Score)

This metric is used to measure customer loyalty and satisfaction. NPS Score = (% of Promoters) - (% of Detractors). The score can vary between -100 and 100. Any value above 0 is good, values above 50 are excellent. See also Post Call Surveys.


On a general business level it is the percentage of time a contact center seat/pod is utilized as a comparison to total available hours. On a specific Call Center operational level it is the percentage of time an agent handles calls versus the time the agent is available to take the call.


Provides contact center agents with the ability to stop receiving calls without logging out. The “Pause” is selected and is tracked by metrics/reports/alarms e.g. “Team Meeting”, “Lunch”.

Post Call Survey

A post call survey is an audio based survey that is normally used in contact centers. After the customer has interacted with an agent they are transferred (automatically or manually) to a voice promoted survey system. Typically offering a Customer Satisfaction Survey or Net Promoter Score.

Power Dialer

Dials a predefined list of numbers one after the other only when an agent is available to handle them. It offers more control and results in better connections with the help of bypassing busy numbers and dropped calls.

Predictive Dialer

This is a system that automatically calls a list of predefined phone numbers in sequence, screening out no answers, busy signals, answering machines, and disconnected numbers.


A call queue is where callers are placed on hold, in a queue, while they wait to speak with a live agent. In other words, the call queue is where customers are placed after completing any interactive voice response prompts but before a contact center representative has spoken with them. This would often be referred to as “being on hold”. Call queues are central to the effectiveness of contact centers and customer service. Contact centers use a wide variety of methods, tools, and practices to lower the average time that a caller spends in the call queue. The goal is to have the lowest average call queue time possible, which will result in more effective service and better customer satisfaction.

Queue Groups

See above Queues. This is where multiple queues are placed within a queue group for the purpose of management and reporting.

Reason Codes

Provide contact center agents with the ability to stop receiving calls without logging out. The “Reason” is selected and is tracked by metrics/reports/alarms e.g. “Team Meeting”, “Lunch”.

Scheduled Reports

Contact center reports that can be scheduled for automated delivery to a list of multiple email recipients often in multiple formats e.g. CSV, PDF.

Service Level

The percentage of calls answered within the time frame specified by the business. Known as TSF (telephone service factor ) or GOS (grade of service) it is the percentage of calls answered within a specified time frame as designated by the business.


(Service Level Agreement)

SLA’s in the contact center are typically set for agent talk time and wait time to be answered in the queue. The system will provide the ability to set a value in seconds and a target as a percentage. A typical use case would be answering 80% of calls in 20 seconds. The 20 second value would be the SLA wait value and the percentage value would be the target to achieve.


An individual who organizes and directs the day-to-day activities related to the operation of the contact center. They are responsible for managing, training & guiding contact center agents in performing their duties. They also provide support, reports & resolves problems and complaints. Monitors agents and contact center performance, and analyzes reports. Helps develop schedules to ensure adequate staffing levels.


(Voice Response Unit)

This is an interactive technology that allows humans to communicate with computers, either through voice or dual-tone multi frequency.

Wall Board / Monitor Panel

A contact center wallboard (also called an enterprise wallboard or monitor panel) is a visual communication tool used to display real time information related to contact center performance. Typically displaying calls waiting in queue, calls in progress, agents available, agents in various states.


(Web Real Time Communications)

Often used as a technology for Web Phones for agents. It is a very exciting, powerful, and highly disruptive cutting-edge technology and standard. WebRTC leverages a set of plugin-free APIs that can be used in both desktop and mobile browsers, and is progressively becoming supported by all major modern browser vendors.


(Work Force Management)

This an integrated set of processes that contact centers use to optimize productivity of its agents on the individual, departmental, and entity-wide levels. It includes determining and providing schedules, forecasting, and adherence for a workforce in their future events.

Wrap Time


This describes the time taken by an agent to complete any administrative transactions or work for a customer after the call has ended.


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